
The Abiku Phenomenon: Spiritual Origin and Treatment of Self-Destructivness

Abstract. The philosophy of Ifa with its origin in Africa, where it has been preserved to this very day by the people of Yoruba, contains the entire opus of understanding a human life, character, predestination, destiny and nature. One of the toughest challenges is how to treat (heal) someone, who is born with the energy of Abiku – born to The Abiku Phenomenon: Spiritual Origin and Treatment of Self-Destructivness


Kako se pripremiti za ritrit? Šta mogu da pitam na konsultacijama sa Ifa? Da li je opasno raditi ritual čišćenja 7 generacija? Kako da se pripremim za ritual čišćenja 7 generacija?


Fotografije: Tina Ramujkić, ramujkic@yahoo.com Maja Tomić, photobymtomic@gmail.com Web master: Pera Knežević, predragknezevic@icloud.com Uređivanje tekstova: Marijana Čanak, marijana.canak@gmail.com